Brackenridge Villa Directions and Parking

The GPS coordinates for the Brackenridge Villa are: 29.468333, -98.465592.

Parking is available in the lots along Broadway Street.

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Click on image above for printable version. Scroll down for a larger version in this screen.

UIW Clock Tower


From Broadway

  • Enter at Burr Avenue off Broadway Street.

  • At the traffic circle, take the second right.

  • Park in the lots along Broadway (marked in red rectangles on map).

  • Walk on the sidewalk back towards the traffic circle, then turn left.

  • Walk through a small parking lot and turn right up a small road.

  • The Brackenridge Villa is in front of you as you walk up the hill.

From Hildebrand

  • Enter at the light on Hildebrand and the University of the Incarnate Word.

  • Immediately turn right.

  • Follow the road around to the left.

  • Park in the lots along Broadway (marked in red rectangles on the map).

  • Walk on the sidewalk towards the traffic circle, then turn left.

  • Walk through a small parking lot and turn right up a small road.

  • The Brackenridge Villa is in front of you as you walk up the hill.


Call or email Pam Ball with questions on directions and parking.

Office: 210-828-2224 ext 280
