Headwaters in the News
‘Head-of-the-River’ immersed in San Antonio history (July 2017)
San Antonio to Join ‘Global Water Dances’ in Support of Environment (June 2017)
Downtown springs stop flowing as dry weather creeps back into region (June 2017)
Oasis in city’s center part of history (June 2017)
Future Flow In Doubt For San Antonio River Blue Hole (June 2017)
With aquifer levels high, Blue Hole flows again (June 2016)
Headwaters at Incarnate Word to use funds from Big Give SA for restoration (April 2016)
Incarnate Word sisters welcome pope’s call to action on environment (July 2015)
San Antonio's Blue Hole Shows Rising Water Levels in Edwards Aquifer (July 2015)
The Blue Hole: A Center City Hidden Gem (May 2015)